Calorie tracking is useful, but it's a pain in the butt. Well, it used to be. Now the world has Calorio!
Scanning barcodes and scrolling through food lists is tedious. Calorio simplifies calorie tracking: just click the mic button to tell your phone or computer what you ate, and our AI handles the rest!
Quick tips:
If you sign up (free for the first week, $4.99 per month after that) you can keep track of all the calories you've consumed during a day. You can also keep track of your calorie history to see how well (or badly) you've been doing!
Calorio is new but we're constantly improving and adding features. Expect occasional quirks as Calorio is still learning, but we're working hard to squash them.
Thanks for visiting Calorio! We'd love to hear about the things you like and loathe. All suggestions and criticisms are welcome to help us make the web app as fun and useful as possible! Send your thoughts to .